Friday, April 11, 2008

Two Piles of Earrings to Be...

I'm in full production mode for Summer. For me, that means making about a dozen different styles of earrings in about twenty different colors, give or take. I find it amusing that at one stage I have a pile of earring dangles that don't look anything like earrings. In these piles there are Fairy Wings (my latest), baby Byz (short for Byzantine), Peppermint Love Knots, Clovers, Flowers, and probably some I missed. I also inlcuded something new I'm trying -- gold accents instead of silver on some earrings.


katy said...

the flowers are my favs - thanks for your kind words about my etsy shop .

katy said...

thanks for the blog rec. I'll check it out tomorrow. hope all is well. how can i get your books back to you?